New: KaraFun Android 4.0 has arrived!

The all new Android Version 4.0 has dropped. Along with a completely redesigned interface, pre-made playlists and swipeable player, we're bringing it up to speed with the other KaraFun apps. Mic drop!

So what's new? A lot! So let's get to it!

New Design

You'll notice a completely redesigned interface adapted for your smartphones and tablets. Less clicks to access songs, a retractable second screen on smartphones and fixed sections on tablets for faster compilation of songs in queue. With just a tap of the player you can access key and tempo change. All in all a more seamless process that makes it all about singing!

Pre-made Playlists

Our music-makers compiled lists to suit your mood, event, favorite decade... If you're not sure what to sing this just may be your ticket to stardom.

Sync top songs offline

Not sure which songs to sync offline? This makes the decision making simpler. Under your offline settings you'll see this option to automatically sync the 50 (or 100 or 200) most popular songs of the moment for use when there is no internet. Still haven't gotten the hang of offline? Here is a quick tutorial.

New languages

KaraFun Android (and all of our apps) is now available in six languages, count them one, deux, drei, quatro, cinque, zes (yes, Dutch included)!


For use on your smartphone, this allows you to minimize the Player and swipe it to the side to give you more room when searching through the song list. Just tap, move and swipe to either side. To bring it back, simply swipe again.

Optimized Performance

Not something to be seen with the eye, but you'll likely notice a smoother process as you navigate through the app.

Get the new KaraFun Android app.

We've got the best of the best with our extensive song catalog!

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